Saturday, July 28, 2012

From the Dust Bins of History...

The Lucasfilm adventure game Sam & Max Hit the Road was first released in 1993.
Here are a few of the rough sketches I scratched around with in search of the properly lively final "driving and antic-ing" concept for the box cover. The Highway Surfing version (above) eventually became the cover of the Sam & Max comics collection and the sasquatch in the ice block idea (below left) was repurposed as a trading card for I can't remember what.

I don't seem to throw anything away.


  1. Don't ever throw any of this away. Ever. EVER. Automatically recognised the lower right image as the Hall of Oddities from the Carnival. xD

  2. Why would you throw anything away when it's so cool

  3. I think you made the right call to go with the livelier one, but the Sasquatch picture is just so cool!

    In case any other readers are as forgetful as I am, here's the finished card:
    Interesting to see how it changed!

  4. that's very interesting stuff.... I hope there's some more stuff...

  5. Still have my original game manual long after the DOS CDROM has ceased working and disappeared. I'm playing Beyond Time on iPad and LOVE it (especially the Wesley Willis throwaway in the Undead Poetry)

    Steve, thanks for all the good times with some seriously timeless characters. Maybe Pixar will be the ticket to an S&M feature film.

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